Recent News & Information
Sub Pop Health Acquired by MedeAnalytics
In a world defined by groundbreaking healthcare technology and data-driven decision-making, achieving equity is not just a goal, it’s a pressing imperative. Our free white paper dives deep into the challenges and opportunities presented by this era of unprecedented advancements.
Hashed Health's Bramble Acquired by Turquoise Health
Unleashing the Power of Decentralized Venture Studio Resources: The Resource Cloud Advantage
Meet Hashed at ViVE24 in Los Angeles
News: CNBC features Hashed Health CEO John Bass on the booming Nashville healthcare innovation scene.
Blog: Willingness to Pay Is a Powerful De-Risking Tool for Startups
News: Peer Supply Launches to Improve Resilience & Efficiency of Healthcare Supply Chain
Professional Credentials Exchange Completes $3.5M Initial Capital Raise
Blog: HLTH Matters features Hashed Health CEO, John Bass, on our opportunity to build efficient, resilient healthcare supply chains.
How COVID-19 Accelerated the Transformation of the Healthcare Supply Chain
Blog: From Meetups to Startups: Hashed Health's Evolution to a Leading Healthcare Venture Studio
Blog: Healthcare Gets Social: Social+ design patterns are unlocking consumer engagement in healthcare.
The Shift from Systems of Record to Systems of Collaboration
Blog: On Building Better Ecosystems
In Memory of Clayton Christensen

Audio & Video Features
Inspiring Women: Equanimity. How 3 CEO/Founders put on the calm no matter what comes crashing at them.
Laurie McGraw interviews three of Hashed Healths emerging founder / CEOs, Molly Moore (Bramble Health), Raelyn Wilson (Peer Supply), and Leigh McCormack (Platypus Health).
Friends of Project Healthcare: Unlocking Value by Driving Innovation and Collaboration.
In this episode we talk about the venture studio model and several of the startups and startup leaders emerging out of Hashed including Raelyn Wilson of Peer Supply, Chris Gormley of Sub Pop, and our new founder / CEO of Bramble.
Success from Anywhere: "We are entering a golden age of healthcare innovation.”
Karen Mangia podcast featuring Hashed Founder / CEO, John Bass, where they discuss venture studio success through radical collaboration and a learning mindset.
Weld: Job Stories-
CEO of Nashville-based healthcare company Hashed Health, shares his career story with us from the start of his career to now as he leads his company to the forefront of venture studios in healthcare.
Payment Matters: -
Jeff Lin interviews Hashed Health founder / CEO, John Bass.